venerdì 28 dicembre 2012

Occhi, lo specchio dell'anima


Gli occhi sono finestre sull'anima.
Non sembra soltanto una rivelazione poetica!
Attraverso gli occhi potremo, in un prossimo futuro, capire quali sono le nostre convinzioni di fondo e quali ordini l'anima sta impartenedo al corpo.

Di seguito vi mostro un articolo della BBC.
"Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a scan that measures the thickness of the lining at the back of the eye - the retina.It takes a few minutes per eye and can be performed in a doctor's surgery.

In a trial involving 164 people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), those with thinning of their retina had earlier and more active MS.

The team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine say larger trials with a long follow up are needed to judge how useful the test might be in everyday practice.

The latest study tracked the patients' disease progression over a two-year period."

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