venerdì 7 settembre 2012

Is it True?

Parlando dei giovani con gli occhi degli adulti, si richiama un sapore antico. 

Il gusto è quello di un caffè corretto con liquore dolce.

Il sapore amaro si nasconde dietro la dolcezza del liquore e l'ebbrezza dell'alcool fa leva sulla nostalgia. 

Il colore nero e il profumo rimangono del caffè per cui, discutendo della miscela, si rischia di opinare o di argomentare per presunzione.

Per cercare di riflettere sul mondo dei giovani, senza congetture, proverei a filtrarlo con la difficoltà imposta dalla lingua straniera, in modo che la concetrazione focalizzi il significato oggettivo delle parole e non quello travisabile dalla nostra psicologia.

Eccone un saggio:

"Youth is associated with innocence, beauty, good health, energy, idealism, curiosity, immaturity, inexperience and rebellion. 

However, the descriptions of character relate more closely to fiction than to reality since in many cases particularly in large cities, youngsters today engage in vandalism, joy-riding or even drug-trafficking, yet magistrates in Spain are asking for tougher sentencing powers to combat juvenile crime. Many young teenagers are now experienced offenders.

If you go out on any Saturday night you will see quite a few drunken young people although underage drinking is illegal. 

They buy bottles of booze and Coke or orangeade in a supermarket and then later go to the beach or a public park or city square for the sole purpose of drinking until they become legless. 

This then causes brawls and fights among them or between rival groups. Neighbors often complain about the noise and the litter.

Drugs are another major problem nowadays. There are drug traffickers in schools selling to anybody who will buy their products or even worse, introducing youngsters to them. It is considered fashionable and so, many kids may well get hooked unless they are strong and can say NO to them.

Smoking is another problem which the government is trying to solve. Although they all know the dangers to health it is considered fashionable and sociable to smoke and a lot of kids get hooked. 

Commercials are aired on TV saying it's brave to say NO.

All these issues may come from the fact that teenagers are supposed to be rebellious. They often like to defy rules and regulations. Little do they know that they will pay for their defiance in the future. 

They usually do badly at school and so lose the option of further education, having to opt for menial badly-paid jobs instead of cushy ones.

Of course not all of them are like that. Thank goodness there are many who take their life seriously and are able to combine having a good time with their schooling. 

They will have good jobs and a comfortable life in the future because they have used their time sensibly.

Fashion has a lot to do with music. Teenagers want to be different yet they also want to belong to a group, and this means that the sort of music they listen to will affect their appearance in many cases. 

A kid who enjoys rap will probably want to wear the clothes associated with this kind of music. If another is keen on punk he is likely to have spiky bright green and blue hair.

Some people say that kids today have it "to easy". 

In the past, youngsters had to work at a very young age to help their parents. For example, many left school at 14 and went on to train on building sites and at hairdresser's.

They had to sacrifice their youth for their parents well-being. Because of this fact, when these kids grew up and had kids of their own they decided that an education was the best thing that they could give their children and so, gave them all the opportunities money could offer them.

Children today have everything from encyclopedias to PC'S and internet. They have a lot of material things and in a way... this could mean that they have few aspirations. 

If they want something they just ask for it and they usually get it within reason of course. This boils down to the fact that many kids today have become lazy and do not appreciate their parents like they should. 

They can also be quite bored which means that they then turn to drinking and drugs to get their "kicks".

In many cases, parent-children relationships deteriorate when the kids reach puberty, they claim that their parents are "out of touch" and "oldies" and usually argue a lot. 

The children usually forget one very important thing, their parents are sacrificing their lives and their freedom for them, parents want the best for their kids, they want them to have the best of everything and all the opportunities that they never had so that their future is even better. And this is a great investment, and like any investment they will protect it forever.

giovedì 6 settembre 2012

Il primo giorno di scuola

Nelle vesti di un insegnante che si appresta ad iniziare l’anno scolastico, non riesco a vincere la tristezza per quanto è scritto nell’articolo di ScuolaZoo, che riporto di seguito integralmente.
Sono stato anch’io studente e ho provato le stesse sensazioni descritte nell’articolo.
Ciò non significa che condivido il contenuto, ma dichiaro apertamente che l’attuale sistema scolastico è vecchio di 2000 anni.
Gli studenti appaiono come legionari romani, inquadrati e addestrati per la guerra in terre lontane.
I professori sembrano centurioni, implacabili con i soldati e servili, sottomessi con i loro capi.
La scuola settoriale, con ricette rigorose preparate da alchimisti isolati nel loro sapere, non suscita entusiasmo, voglia di capire, piacere di stare insieme.
Si lega ai ceppi la creatività, si producono cloni di lavoratori in soprannumero, preparandoli ad una guerra tra poveri.  
Io amo il sapere, conosco il suo valore, però, ragazzi, non aspettate i 50 anni per scoprirlo!
Le strutture scolastiche recepiscono lentamente le vostre esigenze … ... nel frattempo trucchiamo il nostro humor e gridiamo viva la scuola!

Siamo arrivati, a malavoglia a Settembre, uno dei mesi forse più brutti dell'anno (a parte quello in cui ci sono i colloqui e i voti da recuperare). L'estate piano piano finisce, la pioggia inesorabilmente torna a sbucciare i maroni, ma sopratutto, ciò che più si odia è IL RITORNO A SCUOLA. (*musichetta da film horror).
Ebbene si, dopo 3 mesi di cazzeggio passati ad uscire con gli amici, al computer, a poltrire, dopo tre mesi di vacanze (quelle di ScuolaZoo restano nel cuore e lasciano ricordi indelebili) bisogna ritornare alla triste routine. Non ci possiamo fare nulla... a meno che non volessimo tutti trasferirci in campagna a zappare la terra (che sarebbe sicuramente più stancante ma decisamente meno noioso e più utile, troveremmo facilmente lavoro). Peccato che i miei genitori non siano d'accordo con la mia idea di darmi all'agricoltura e mi costringano a tornare fra i banchi.


mercoledì 5 settembre 2012

Il grande carro

Vedo un carro vagare per il prato celeste.

Trasporta sogni, speranze ed illusioni.

Lo inseguo con lo sguardo del mio cuore,
 ansioso di ritrovarvi anche l’anima.

Abbandonerei la cattiveria su questa terra,
ma porterei con me tutte le mie emozioni
e quella piccola lacrima ribelle
che non vuol saperne di nascondersi.

In ricordo del mio corpo
 conserverei il più piccolo dei peli,
testimone di innumerevoli brividi.  

Tranquillo cuore!
Anche tu sarai con me.
 Non lascerò i dolci sospiri senza i tuoi battiti.

Non importa dove il carro mi condurrà,
  chiederò soltanto al cocchiere
di non correre verso il Paradiso,
di indugiare a girare per l’universo.

 Altre anime voglio incontrare.

Mille vite ancora voglio abbracciare.

martedì 4 settembre 2012

Danger Internet?

The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of networks. 

It enables individuals and businesses alike, through interconnected computer networks, to share information, resources, and services.

It was thought for scientific, educational and military research purpose but in 1991, regulations changed to allow businesses and consumers to connect as well. 

The Internet has grown rapidly, and is now global. New technologies are continuously being developed that make the Internet easier and more attractive to use.

Online applications are available to the Internet user, including email, web browsing, streaming music and video, online gaming, and instant messaging.

The way people interact, share information, and even do business is changing to keep up with the continuous evolution of this global network. 

The Internet is creating a wider audience and consumer base for whatever message, product or service can be delivered. 

For many businesses, having Internet access has become critical, not only for communication, but also just for day-to-day operation. Some of the business uses of the Internet include:

E-Commerce, Communications, Collaboration, learning, Training, entertainment and so on.

It provides lot of very useful utilities, such as : email services, web site hosting, management on e-commerce sites, file storage and transfer, message boards and blogs, streaming video and audio services.

Using Internet, in the next future, will be like getting a glass of water. It will be second nature for all of us.

Every section of the society will be transformed. All the services are going to be automatics and always ready to use.  

These news, apparently amazing, involve hidden dangers. 

They can hurt as sharp blades with no proper use. 

The humanity will have to respond in different mode about his loneliness. 

In the next future, the soul might miss itself in this new house.

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