lunedì 20 ottobre 2014

What's Internet?

Immagina di usare un oggetto che ti piace, ti diverte e ti aiuta nel lavoro.

Immagina di usarlo condividendolo con un amico.

Fantastico.... se lo usate adottando le stesse regole comportamentali ed educative!

In questo caso, formate una mini rete (NET).

Se poi, giocate o lavorate (WORK) insieme costituite un NETWORK. 

Immagina ora che altri due amici fanno le stesse cose.
Se decidessero di unirsi a voi (collegandovi), formereste una comunità: INTERNET.
Continuando a giocare o lavorare insieme, realizzereste un INTERNTWORK.

Semplice, vero?

Allora, vediamo in inglese come si direbbe.....

What's Internet?

The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of networks. 

It enables individuals and businesses alike, through interconnected computer networks, to share information, resources, and services. 

In the beginning, the Internet was used strictly for scientific, educational, and military research. 

In 1991, regulations changed to allow businesses and consumers to connect as well. The Internet has grown rapidly, and is now global. 

New technologies are continuously being developed that make the Internet easier and more attractive to use. 

Online applications are available to the Internet user, including email, web browsing, streaming music and video, gaming, and instant messaging.

The way people interact, share information, and even do business is changing to keep up with the continuous evolution of this global network. 

The Internet is creating a wider audience and consumer base for whatever message, product, or service can be delivered. 

For many businesses, having Internet access has become critical, not only for communication but also for day-to-day operation. 

Some of the business uses of the Internet include:

Collaboration and training

That's Internet!

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